Friday, October 23, 2009

Hello, All!

The cost of gold continues to climb. Today, gold is selling at over $1061.00!! It made us think about any and all broken chains, charms and single earrings that might be taking up space in our jewelry boxes - and the good use they could serve by being turned in for money. With holidays approaching, surely there might be something we could do with extra cash!

The nice thing about selling gold at The Diamond Exchange is the confidence you can have that you will receive the best price possible. Our owner, Steward Gibboney, actually purchased the building at 22 W. Gay Street and plans on remaining and being active in the Columbus community for a very long time. To do this, The Diamond Exchange must establish and maintain the highest level of trust and integrity with our customers.

Frankly, we cringe at the thought of our fellow Columbusites selling their gold to companies that are stopping into town for a few days, or those that would have our neighbors and friends mail in their valuables, before a trade-in price is established. Some of these operations may be trust-worthy. But they just do not have the incentive The Diamond Exchange has to treat customers fairly and to maintain an excellent reputation in the Columbus community.

We look forward to assisting you to sell your gold and with all your jewelry needs!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today we are enjoying an incredible display of autumn leaves against a brilliant blue sky! And speaking of amazing displays, you should see some of the wonderful new pieces in our cases at The Diamond Exchange! Deep red garnets, golden citrines, red rubies and deep emeralds and tourmalines complement the fabulous colors we associate with October! If you haven't visited The Diamond Exchange lately, you should stop in and enjoy all the sparkling colors we offer.

If you want colorless sparkle, we always have a wide selection of diamonds. Come in and let us help you with your extra special holiday gift! It's never too early for holiday shopping!

We hope to see you, soon!